FlightTravel & Events

New events in planning

We are currently working on new, exciting events. Check back later to find out more or send us a message for the waiting list.

Individual flight with personal guide

Have you always wanted to take a flight with your friends or family according to your wishes?
As an experienced expert and guide, we will accompany you on your project and put together a trip that is tailored precisely to your needs. Contact us for a no-obligation consultation!


The German paraglider manufacturer Skywalk offers top products from school gliders to performance wings. Light paragliders and harnesses are already available for student pilots, these are especially popular for Hike & Fly. In addition to top products and excellent support, Skywalk offers a first-class price-performance ratio.

  • Premium brand with international reputation
  • Lightweight material for Hike & Fly
  • School umbrellas with good performance and excellent handling
  • Proven products from the school to the performance segment
  • Excellent customer support
Logo Skywalk Paragliders

and take off

Air Sports Rüegger
Matthias Rüegger

Via Surpunt 19
7500 St. Moritz. Moritz