Paragliding training
The way to the brevet

Would you like to learn to fly yourself and feel at home in the mountains? We will accompany you until you get your paragliding license and beyond. The Engadin is a challenging flying area. If you want to learn to fly here, you must be motivated to learn the technique and theory. Therefore you can expect a training that makes you really fit with the paraglider and prepares you perfectly for your future pilot life. You will learn to control your glider during meticulous ground handling training , even in strong winds. Before each training day and at explicit workshops you will learn everything you need to know about meteo at Engadin and in general. Especially in the low season we go in small groups on various Hike + Fly tours.

Course of the training

  • Optionally a taster day, if desired with subsequent tandem flight
  • Basic training: learn to pull up and control the glider, first flights on the practice slope, lots of training on the ground.
  • At Valley Wind we emphasize a sound, step-by-step training. Before the first independent high altitude flight we usually make an instruction tandem flight.
  • Small theory test before the first altitude flight (don't worry, it's more an instruction than a "test")
  • High altitude flights with radio support. A launch leader will take care of you at the launch site, the flight instructor will stand at the landing site and instruct you. The more flights you have, the more independence is possible.
  • A second instruction tandem flight is recommended so that we can teach maneuvers like the spiral dive step by step
  • Theory lessons are optional, but will help you prepare for the theory test, which you must pass at the SHV.
  • After at least 50 flights and with the OK of the flight instructor you are ready for the practical exam.
    Good luck and Happy Landing

Training focus at Valley Wind

Learn to handle a paraglider in any situation
Being able to take off and land safely is essential in paragliding. We are in the lucky position to often have a lot of wind. We take advantage of this to teach you a lot of technique before the high altitude flights (and also later), so that you can keep control of your glider in all situations. In winter, when everything is frozen, in spring, when the meadows are not yet too high, and in autumn we have ideal conditions for this.
Learn to understand the weather and the wind
The Engadin is a very complex flying area from a meteorological point of view. With us you will not only learn to understand the weather, but to assess it correctly. We train independent pilots, it is not our goal to just get you through the exam. With us you learn weather know-how, because you need it up here.
Hike & Fly
We do a lot of Hike & Fly, especially in the off-season (when not all mountain railroads are running). So we can not only explore a lot of flying areas, but also always convey the respective peculiarities and thus give you a further flying horizon.
Individual support
It goes without saying that our concept does not work for large groups. With us you will be individually coached, supported and trained to become an independent pilot.

Training and material

Material sales are a part of the training at all paragliding schools. If own material is already available, we have to check if it fits to our training concept.

In addition, there are somewhat higher training costs. It is also important to know that in some areas in Engadin a so-called variometer (a flight computer) with a system called Flarm/Fanet+ is mandatory.

What does it cost?

We value open price communication and no
hidden costs or unforeseen expenses.

For the entire training at Engadin with your own equipment up to obtaining the lifelong license you have to calculate with about CHF 8'500 to 10'000. (Mountain railroads and possible shuttle transports are not included. For Engadin locals the mountain railroad subscription is cheaper).

To whom is our training offer addressed

To motivated individualists with at least average fitness. Enthusiasm for the mountains and in the best case some previous knowledge. Locals who live here for several months, as the training will also last a few months.

Don't be put off by these requirements (we also have older students 65+ but fit)
If in doubt, we'll do a taster day, then you'll quickly see if this is something for you.
But if these requirements don't apply to you at all, then you are probably better off at a flight school in the moderate lowlands.

and take off

Air Sports Rüegger
Matthias Rüegger

Via Surpunt 19
7500 St. Moritz. Moritz