General terms and conditions of Valey Wind flight school


The flight school offers hang glider training and further education courses, as well as flight trips according to the latest standards. The participant assures with his registration to be physically and mentally healthy and that there are no illness-related reasons that exclude a suitability for participation. The participant agrees to strictly follow the instructions of the instructors and course leaders. If a participant feels unsafe or unwell, he/she must report this to the start leader or flight instructor. Transport back from the launch site is always guaranteed.

Adolescents under 18 years of age require the signature of their legal guardian.


A flight is fascinating, but also involves risks. Falls can result in serious injuries and, in extreme cases, even death.

The flight school, respectively the flight instructor and their auxiliary persons reject any contractual as well as non-contractual liability for all damages that may arise in connection with a flight, within the scope of the legal possibilities.

This means that the flight school, respectively the flight instructor and their auxiliary persons are only liable if they have acted with unlawful intent or gross negligence. With your signature you accept the terms of use including the release from liability as part of the contract. Swiss law applies with the corresponding place of jurisdiction.

Insurance and damage to the material of the flight school

The flight equipment of the flight school is insured for aviation causal liability on a blanket basis. If a course participant uses his own flight equipment, his own valid flight liability insurance is obligatory (private liability insurance is not sufficient!). Damage to training and test equipment caused by the customer's own fault shall be borne in full by the customer.

Accident insurance is always the responsibility of the participant.

Course costs

The course fees must be transferred before the start of the course or paid in cash on the first day of the course at the latest.

Air travel

The cancellation costs are composed as follows:

Any flight ticket costs must be paid by the participant in any case, for the other costs the following proportions apply:

- 60 to 30 days before departure: 25% of the arrangement price

- 29 to 15 days before departure: 50% of the arrangement price

- 14 to 0 days before departure: 100% of the arrangement price

For cancellations before the start of the cancellation periods, a one-time processing fee of Fr.100.- per person will be charged. Within the cancellation periods, the above cancellation fees will apply. Cancellation insurance is recommended. The participant is responsible for ensuring that his/her paragliding permits are valid. The participant is responsible for ensuring that his/her flight equipment is airworthy. The participant performs all, self-piloted paragliding flights on his own responsibility.


The customer agrees that his data will be electronically processed and stored by the flight school within the framework of the contractual relationship. The data will not be disclosed to third parties without authorization. The customer is advised that during the transmission of data on the Internet for all participants, according to the current state of technology, it cannot be completely ruled out that unauthorized persons gain access to the transmitted data during the transmission process.

The customer agrees that photo and/or video recordings in connection with flying activities may be used for advertising purposes (including social media).

Flight School Valley Wind
Via Surpunt 19
7500 St. Moritz

and take off

Air Sports Rüegger
Matthias Rüegger

Via Surpunt 19
7500 St. Moritz. Moritz